TEAM Action Gear/Books/Military

Special Operations:  Post Vietnam                Special Operations:  Vietnam               Special Operations:  General, Histories

                                                    Vietnam                                        Military Reading Lists

U.S. Special Operations:  Vietnam

coverFive Years to Freedom

This is an incredible story of one man's survival through five years of hell.  I read this book in 1979, when I was in the 9th grade.  Later, I had the honor of having the author as my battalion commander while attending the SFQC.  I will always remember graduation, walking across the stage and shaking his hand, as one of the high points in my life.
COL Rowe was assassinated  while stationed in the Philippines, in April 1989.
From the cover flap of the out of print hardcover edition:
October 29, 1963:  The Viet Cong captured Special Forces Major James N. Rowe during a sudden firefight in South Vietnam.  For five years, Major Rowe survived absolutely staggering conditions of fiflth, disease, hunger and constant psychological pressure to "confess his crimes," plus two scheduled execution dates and severe punishment for three attempts at escape.
December 31, 1968:  Under incredible circumstances of luck, skill, and determination, James N. Rowe escaped.  For some reason hardly understood by the author himself, he never capitulated to his captors.

coverTan Phu : Special Forces Team A-23 in Combat

Leigh Wade served several tours in Vietnam.  This book cover his first tour in 1963.  SFC Wade and COL Rowe were on the same Team (A-23).  I deployed to Korea with SFC Wade in 1984.  I had a lot of fun and learned a lot.  After having read his books, I find myself wishing I had asked a lot more questions.   SFC Wade has a very entertaining style, and makes for a book that's hard to put down.  A very good book that will leave you wanting more.  Fortunately, SFC Wade has written two more!

Special Operations:  Post Vietnam                Special Operations:  Vietnam               Special Operations:  General, Histories

                                                     Vietnam                                        Military Reading Lists

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